About me

Porträt von Christian Frost

 My name is Christian Frost, born in Duisburg, Germany in 1975. I have a degree in social sciences and work as an identity-oriented Trauma Coach in Stralsund, Germany.

I have completed training as a systemic coach (certified by the International Coach Federation – ICF) and continue to train. Since 2017 I have been working as a freelance coach and consultant. In 2021, I went through the one-year advanced training in Identity-Oriented Psychotrauma Therapy (IoPT) & practice for self-encounter with the intention method according to Franz Ruppert and am on his recommendation list. I have been a certified IoPT trainer since 2023.  The intention method is the most effective coaching/therapy/supervision tool I know.

My identity-oriented coaching provides you with the answer to the question: what do I want? I support you in strengthening your self-responsibility, stabilizing your healthy self and in your self-efficacy and self-expression. This includes your personal biography, experiences, imprints and traumas. Together we define your personal goals and your value compass. I support you to get out of perpetrator-victim-dynamics (i.e. bad relationships) on the outside. The goal is: freedom on the outside.

My coaching incorporates elements from systemic theory, integral philosophy, positive psychology, behavioural therapy, the humanistic approach, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), and Western and Eastern wisdom teachings. I use Compassionate Inquiry, developed by Dr. Gabor Maté, as a particular trauma-focused approach, as well as Teal Swan’s Completion Process.

I offer  counselling sessions for initial clarification and classification of your professional, family and relationship situation. What is the difference between counselling and coaching? In coaching, you work out your own solutions with me as a source of resonance. In counselling, after analysing your situation, I design alternative solutions for you as a source of inspiration. Also in the context of the consultation you are in the self-responsibility to decide for a shown way or option. As in coaching, the scope for action can expand and new perspectives can develop during the consultation.

Self-encounters according to the intention method of Franz Ruppert clarify the question of who you are, what you have experienced, how you were shaped and how trauma survival strategies limit you. You lose the illusions of love in relation to your family of origin and find your personal truth. This truth helps you to understand yourself, to release limiting patterns and to free yourself from inner perpetrator-victim dynamics. Through contact with your old pain you gradually step out of the trauma biography. Decisive for your success is your personal responsibility, your will and the decision to gradually look at your pain and your personal truth. The goal is: freedom within.

Further training: In 2025 I will be offering the licensed further training in Identity-Oriented Psychotrauma Theory (IoPT) online. Registration deadline is 30.11.2024. More information in the flyer: Flyer_IoPT_training_2025_english


Coaching or consulting: 110,00 Euro/hour

Self-encounter as individual work: 110,00 Euro